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Get Nourished

  • 39 Steps


Get Nourished in 12 weeks. A complete programme to create a healthy diet that works for you. Together we'll cover important aspects of healthy eating, including snacking, creating the right habits, and what you should eat. I'll debunk myths about whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if you need supplements. Each week you will receive an online workshop. Once you've watched that and completed any action steps you will book a one-to-one appointment with me. During that session, we will plan out your weekly goals and I'll answer your questions. You will also receive weekly digital action planners, food diaries & checklists - everything you need to focus on having the best diet. Support with improving health & staying healthier for longer, gut health, and weight loss or healthy weight maintenance. What's Included: 12 x 30 minute one-to-one sessions worth £360 12 x weekly workshops worth £60 12 x digital toolkits - food diaries, workbooks, recipes & checklists worth £60 TOTAL VALUE £480 OFFER PRICE £320 Just 2 Spaces Available for April 2024.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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